Overview of the parish of St. François d’Assise, Kingston
The Catholic parish of St. François is one of the main centers for the Francophone community in Kingston and is the only French-speaking parish is the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kingston. The church and parish hall are located on Frontenac St. at Princess St. in the Williamsville sector of the downtown area of Kingston. They are thus easily accessible by car or bus, while the local streets up to the nearby Memorial Center offer easy parking.
The parish community includes families and individuals from all over Kingston and the surrounding areas, offering a meeting place for local Francophones and opportunities to participate. Newcomers are welcome and are invited to visit and to participate in the any or all of the activities of the parish, religious, social and community. We are the hands of the Lord in our world and everyone has a place in His work.
More information regarding the parish may be found on the parish web site www.stfrancoisassise.ca. or by phone at 613 542 2377.
Où suivre la messe en direct ?
Messes quotidiennes
Sur « Sel & Lumière » - diocèse de Montréal à 08 hrs 30
Sur la Télévision : COGECO canal 185
Sur Internet: https://seletlumieretv.org/messe/
Messes avec le Pape François
Sur Internet avec VaticanNews (Cliquez pour aller sur le site)
Diocèse de Québec
Sur internet en direct du diocèse de Québec (Cliquez pour aller sur le site)
Messes dominicales
Oratoire St-Joseph de Québec
À la télévision - Radio Canada 10 hrs 00
Cogeco - canal 008